Take a close look at your fingernails and toes nails. Are they strong and healthy looking? Or do you see ridges, dents, or areas of unusual colour or shape?

Do you know that the nails also act as indicators for malnutrition, kidney and liver disease amongst other health problems, according to experts? So, having healthy and strong nails is part of healthy living.

We use our hands every day to do all sort of activities from eating, to washing, cooking and even changing baby diapers! These alone scream why we have to really take care of our hands and fingernails.

For your information, the toe nails are not left out. Nail care experts have it that if proper care is not given to the nails it could cause fungal or bacterial infections in the nail folds (the skin surrounding nail bed), which could lead to more serious health issues.

The amazing thing is that you can give your nails the best care all by yourself, you necessarily do not need to visit the spa to carry out these tips below.

 1. Always keep your finger nails dry and clean

Clean your nails regularly and make sure you dry them after washing as this prevents dirt and bacteria from accumulating under your nails. This will not give room for germs and bacteria to breed.

However, don’t overdo it; nails soaked in water for long durations may lead to splits.

2. Ensure to keep hygiene

Many have the habit of keeping long nails especially the male folks. This habit makes it easier for dirt to accumulate below the nails. Clean your nails regularly ensuring your nail tools are periodically washed and sterilized as well.

You can also apply natural disinfectants on your nails like tea tree oil to keep the bacteria away and protect your nails from germs.

3. Avoid biting/chewing your nails

Many people are victim of this. This is bad because biting the nails can causes a lot of damage. In addition to making the nails look pathetic, the contact with saliva makes them weak and brittle.

This act harms the cuticles and transmits dirt from fingers to the mouth. To stop this habit, you can apply a nail polish that has an awful smell, this trick might put you off whenever you try biting your nails.

4. Trim/file regularly

Trimming/filing the hand and toe nails regularly keeps them looking neat and fine.

Take out time every few weeks to trim your nails and shape them in a manner you like.

It is best if you trim your nails in a straight line and then either square or round them off at the tips.

5. Tame your cuticles

Cuticles are very delicate and can get cracked easily. Taking good care of your cuticles is a crucial part of nail care. If you are have hanging skin or nail, handle it carefully – trim it gently so that it doesn’t stick out or cause more pain. Do not bite or pick the cuticles.

6. Don’t scrape off your nail polish

Whenever you apply a nail polish and feel it’s high time you take it off, don’t try scrapping it, instead, use a nail polish remover.

Scrapping makes your nail surface look rough and patchy. It also strips away the top layer of your nails.

7. Wear gloves for Protection

A lot of cleansing detergents contain chemicals and will cause harm to your nails when they come in contact with them.

So, whenever you do household chores or cleaning and you react to certain detergents, it is advised you use gloves.

Today is a good day to have a manicure or a pedicure, or both.

Do this today!

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