American tech giant, Apple Inc., has issued a warning to users, telling them to upgrade their devices as soon as possible, after it repaired a major software problem that allows the spyware- Pegasus -to be installed on their phones even without clicking a link.

An emergency software update- iOS 14.8 -has been released by the company as part of efforts to assist its users to deal with the situation.

This development has had a huge impact on the company and users of its devices. However, what are the implications?

  • iPhone users, who are not privy to this information, stand the risk of exposing their devices to hackers, including government agents, who would pry into their devices and collect information.

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  • Information stored on the users’ devices, if tampered with, by a third party, could endanger the lives of people, invade privacy, just as their jobs and finances could be tampered with.
  • This development also shows that the security of Apple’s devices cannot be trusted and it may expose users’ information because their firewall can be penetrated at any point in time.
  • The zero-click exploit, which implies that hackers can gain access to peoples’ private information at any time, calls for the need for Apple to set up a better security architecture.
  • Also, this latest development could see the tech giant lose customers because their (users’) safety and privacy are paramount.
  • Competing brands could capitalize on Apple’s weaknesses and shove them down the ever-competitive tech market.

A report by the Times revealed that the Pegasus spyware can record texts, emails, and phone calls, and share them with government clients worldwide, while it also has the ability to turn on devices’ cameras and microphones without an individual’s permission.

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