You may have been too preoccupied to think of something else outside of work, even in your thirties. Have you ever taken time off to do certain things before you die? Okay, let’s skip the death part… You will not die in Jesus’ name.

However, there’s a good chance that you’ve never really made a bucket list and just have a small collection of things floating around in your head. Perhaps it’s about time you took a look at doing some of these things.

Below are eight of them:

  • Travel interstate or abroad:

You do not necessarily have to stay in an overpriced hotel or nice part of a town, but visiting other places is an experience that can honestly change your life and give you a different perspective about the cultures of other people.

  • Learn combative sport

Combative sports such as boxing, martial art, wrestling, kickboxing, and so on, are good sports that you should learn.

Apart from the fact that these sports help your body to stay in shape and keep you mentally active, you are able to defend yourself in certain cases, especially in situations where you have only yourself to bank on. Hit that gym and talk to an instructor today.

  • Start a business

What business idea do you have in mind? Oh, you’ve not thought of one already? Don’t beat yourself up. Take some time off to think of how you can double your hustle and earn yourself another stream of income.

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Starting that business puts you in a position where your decision affects the lives of others and your activities contribute to the GDP of your country. Isn’t that nice? So, put down those ideas and get to work.

  • Attend a white-tie event

You probably may have not been at an event like this. However, experiencing such an incredible level of class and sheer glitz is a ton of fun to do.

Whether it’s a dinner party or special event, even if you only do it once, getting dressed up and looking super sleek is a great feeling that you should have some time.

When the opportunity presents itself, grab it by the horn, Bond it up and feel like 007.

  • Mentor or volunteer

There’s something really special about volunteering your time to help others. It’s a feeling that can’t really be described, and it has the power to fundamentally change you in a positive way.

Whether it’s long-term mentoring of someone or one-time volunteering at a nonprofit event, you need to experience this.

  • Pay off your debt

This is actually dependent on whether you owe a debt or you plan to. If you owe a debt, even if it’s the tiniest of it, it is one of those things you need to deal with ASAP. Indebtedness puts you in a cell. Even when you move about, you’re not a free person.

The sheer sense of relief and freedom you experience once you clear your debt is worth the hard work you put into it. This prepares the ground for other opportunities because, honestly, nobody wants to make certain commitments to a debtor.

  • Learn a new language

Learning a new language opens up a new part of the world to you, or at least the people in that part of the world.

It can make traveling somewhere a totally new experience and even offer career benefits. Plus, learning a new language isn’t as difficult as you might think. You can start by saying ‘Good morning’ in Mandarin.

  • Read at least 10 books

If you want to hide the truth from a ‘black man,’ put it in a book, goes the popular saying. Reading liberates the mind and provides answers to certain questions boggling your mind.

Reading occasional books is nice but devoting yourself to learning and accomplishing something on this level not only deepens your experience of life; it gives you memorable experiences.

So, what are those things you think other people should include on their bucket list? Let others know; you just might give them the big push they need to get out of their zone and do something outside of the usual.