The year 2020 has really been a tough one for us all. It is even more challenging for us; Nigerians. Ah! Let out the steam, we all can relate.

The events of previous weeks came easily make one depressed and hopeless. Cheer up! Everything is gonna be alright. For you to be alive means you are winning already.

 As you take steps to recover from all these, it is important you show yourself love and value your mental health every step of the way.

You don’t know how to appreciate your mental health? We are here to always help, here are some tips to guide you.

1. Set healthy boundaries for yourself

Whether you’re reading the news or scrolling through social media, it can be hard to get away from negative news and information. That’s why it’s important to set healthy boundaries for ourselves. Boundaries serve an important role in our lives, especially when we are feeling anxious or experiencing a crisis. The best option is to just keep off!

2. Limit your consumption of news

If you feel the urge to stay updated, allow yourself to read the news or scroll through social media posts. But cultivate the habit of limiting how much news you consume. This could mean that you only allow yourself to look at news in the morning or you can set a timer on your phone to allow yourself 10 minutes to catch up with latest updates happening around you.

3. Turn off your social media notifications

 Turning off your notifications can help you ease the anxiety you may experience from constant updates, notifications and changes. It will also make it easier to check the news less frequently.

4. Seek and explore sources of joy

Even though negative news updates are often the first headlines or posts we see on the media, there are still plenty of other feel-good and positive stories out there. Check websites or platforms that dish out uplifting and inspiring news stories. Your happiness is paramount, treat it as such please.

5. Set healthy boundaries with others

Please do not shut out your loved ones or friends as you recover but you must avoid negative ones and set healthy boundaries for others as well.

Here are examples of things you can say to set boundaries with those around you:

“I know you’re trying to be helpful and I appreciate it, but I need space to experience and process my own emotions about this.”

“I appreciate that you want to help me stay informed by sharing news articles and links, but I’m good for right now/I’d prefer if you didn’t.”

6. Unbottle your emotions

One proven way to unlock your emotions in a healthy manner is to practice journaling. Journaling gives you the room to express your emotions, feelings, in writing. Yes, write how you feel, pour out all then pent-up emotions on that notepad or diary and see how better you will feel afterwards.

7. Practice self-care

Self-care is any activity that we intentionally do to take care of our own mental, emotional and physical health. Anything that makes you happy is fine.

8. Talk to someone

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and you can’t control it, talk to someone. Reach out to a trusted friend or family member and let them know what you’re going through. While we all might be experiencing the same thing, it definitely impacts us differently. So, take the time to talk to someone about your emotions.