John Ayeni

A new year, new month and even a new dawn present mankind beginnings and opportunities to set fresh goals for a better existence. It is no gainsaying to say that no man exists without a purpose and to achieve purpose, one needs to set targets.

“New year new resolution” often chorused by many at the dawn of another 365 days is synonymous with “New year new goals” but do people really stick to this mantra?

Goal setting is more than just a “New year resolution”, it is a serious exercise that you must dedicate time to. One of the advantages of having your goals written is that it helps you maintain clear focus and they serves as a constant reminder.

Goals are dreams that must be painstakingly drawn out, when you have it in your head, it is still abstract but when you have it on paper it means you want to bring it to life.

One big mistake we often make is to think goal setting is limited to career, business and academic. No, you can set goals for every area of your life so long it is very essential to your growth. It is all about gaining clarity of how these goals will give more meaning to your overall goal.

So, how then do you set specific and achievable goals?

  1. Know your personality and what you want

Most people don’t know who they are. That is why you see them engage themselves with several activities and they end up not producing tangible results. You need to understand what you are made of; know your potentials, strengths and weaknesses.

  • Make your goals specific

Having vague goals is why you get frustrated when you don’t achieve your target. You need to have precise and realistic things you want to achieve over a period of time. e.g. I want to make my first million in three months or learn how to drive.

  • Write out and document your goals

If truly your goals are important; you should document them. This will enable you monitor and evaluate your progress.  

  • Outline strategic steps towards goal actualization

Yes, list out clear practical steps towards attaining your target. Not having this stage in process can easily prevent your dream becoming a reality.

  • Set a timeline

Setting a timeline is vital because it keeps you on track and focused. Depending on your goals; your deadline could be in months, days, or years.  

  • Take actions, a realistic goal demands hard work!

Work stage activated! No pain, no gain! If you really are passionate about your dreams, you must be ready to work hard to bring it to life.