Gratitude is a feeling of appreciation or positive response shown by the recipient of help, favours, or other types of generosity, towards the giver of the said generosity. The opposite of this is what is referred to as ingratitude.

This implies that a person, who receives a kind gesture from another, should extend a level of appreciation for what he or she got. However, when was the last time you showed gratitude for the tiniest of favours you got?

In this discourse, we will examine, keenly, what happens in the aza room (in Buhari’s voice) between couples after several rounds of knacks and ‘comings.’

Now to the real deal, as a s3xually active individual, do you thank your partners after being s3xually satisfied? If you have ever done this, when was the last time you did it?

Gratitude should not be rendered only when monetary or material needs are met. Even in the hallowed chamber, thanking one’s partner for a job well done will spur them on and strengthen the cord between couples. It makes them feel appreciated.

While this may sound as simple as ABC, it is also important to note that gratitude after s3x is not in the diary of many Africans. In this part of the world, people are deeply rooted in their culture such that thanking a man or woman after ‘coming’ is one of the most awkward things to do. Where do you even start from?

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Let’s even try a few possible messages of gratitude after s3x, in an African home: ‘Our daddy, thank you, sir. May God continue to bless you,’ or ‘My beautiful that was a wonderful job you did, keep it up.’

How do the above questions sound to your ears? Perhaps you should ask your parents if they ever thanked each other after copulating. Their answers would, most certainly, sound funny.

The African society, due to its deep-rooted culture, has taught us that the subject of s3x is a sacred one. This is why, in several homes, most parents do not see the need to show appreciation to each other after enjoying rounds of s3x. This culture is then passed from generation to generation. And then we have a society of ungrateful people in the aza room, and a young generation of persons who lack respect for each other.

But then, the western world, which is made up of persons that are popular for challenging the African status quo, has shown us that s3xual activities are a norm but regard should be given to whom it is due after intercourse.

Rev. Funke Felix-Adejumo of Agape Christian Ministry, who queried men that do not appreciate their wives after intercourse, said:

“Ingratitude is a killer and you know it’s so disturbing that some people show it not only to God but to men.

“As a man, when last did you thank your wife for marrying you? When last did you thank your wife after having s3x with her?

“When a woman gives her body to you, it’s a lot. Don’t tell me we enjoy it together. To a woman, s3x is more than pleasure. What did you do after s3x? Sleep? And then you wonder why your wife is frigid and why she is not excited about your s3x life.”

Although Rev. Adejumo’s argument may have been in support of women, it is safe to say that most people, irrespective of their gender, run afoul of this act.

Therefore, gratitude to one’s part after s3x is also a show of love; an act that clearly shows that they matter in the relationship. This ingredient will surely strengthen the bond between couples and even repair what is left of a sinking relationship.

Start showing gratitude, today!

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