In what could be defined as extraordinary, crizanlizumab, the first new sickle cell treatment in 20 years will help keep thousands of people out of hospital over the next three years.

And the UK’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) said the hope of reducing health inequalities for black people, who are predominantly affected and often have poorer health to start with, made the drug worth recommending.

The drug, made by Novartis, is injected into a vein and can be taken on its own or alongside standard treatment and regular blood transfusions.

And in a trial, patients taking the crizanlizumab had a sickle cell crisis 1.6 times a year on average, compared with nearly three times a year normally.

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These painful episodes, which can require hospital treatment and lead to other health complications, are caused by sickle-shaped red blood cells blocking the small blood vessels.

But because the trial was small and lasted only a year, it remains unknown how long the benefits last for – and that makes it difficult to judge how cost-effective crizanlizumab is.

Nevertheless, NICE, which recommends treatments in England and Wales, is recommending its use for persons over 16-years-old, albeit under a special arrangement rather than routinely, on the NHS.

And additional data on the treatment will be collected through clinical trials.

The charity Sickle Cell Society said the new treatment brought “new hope” for people living with the world’s most common genetic blood condition.

NHS chief executive Amanda Pritchard said:

“The moment that a new drug comes that is approved to be used, our job is to make sure that we can do a deal to ensure it’s affordable and get it out as quickly as possible.”