Wonders, they say, never end but what would you do if you went to bed as a man and woke up as a woman or vice versa? Weird! Some persons have said.

Society is made up of persons who feel they’re blessed in whatever gender they belong to and they are not ready to switch their gender, not even in their next life.

Responding to the question above, some ladies claimed that they would rather remain in their own world and enjoy the benefits that come with being female. According to them, certain privileges would be lost the moment they wake up in form of a man.

It is no longer news that a lot of men play huge parts in ensuring that ladies live the ‘Baby Girl’ life. Even the Small Girls with Big God can attest to this. However, the moment such ladies switch places, one can only imagine how they’d cope.

This take implies that some women-turned-men would have to start taking huge responsibilities and take up jobs that can otherwise be termed hard labour. The need for urgent 2k would stop abruptly, while the men-turned-women would now relax and be taken care of.

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Just take a moment and imagine a woman dressed as a member of the Lagos NURTW and collecting owo loading, e go too sweet…

On the other hand, hell will be let loose when a man takes a woman’s place. Even though some may argue that they can play a woman’s role almost perfectly, there are several areas they cannot cover.

Imagine a society where men actually conceive, have babies. You don’t want to imagine such a world.

In this piece, several questions will, however, be raised. Should the world turn out as you’re currently imagining, will the world have more male or female billionaires? Will feminist agitations continue to rise as it currently is? What then is the future of the LGBTQ community? Will the world enjoy lasting peace now that women have taken the place of men? One thing is, however, sure, many presidents will keep malice with each other.

No matter how one chooses to debate this subject, it goes to show how people are uniquely made, irrespective of their gender.

To this end, gender roles in today’s society have often been defined by a separation of men into public spheres, such as business and leadership, and women into private spheres, such as homemaking and motherhood. But this has changed over time as women have continued to challenge the status quo and setting groundbreaking records.

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