A romantic date should be fun filled and nothing short of being memorable and relishing. For Pete Sakes who likes a boring date? This is why you need to plan your next date.

So, is your next date around the corner? Or have you been looking for ideas to make it fun and memorable?

Check out these fun and cheap ideas to have a mind-blowing date. Don’t mention, you are welcome!

1.            Have a romantic dinner at home

Yes! The essence of a date is to get to know each other well. So, how about you do that over a romantic dinner at home? No disturbance from any quarter, just the two of you talking, eating and enjoying each other company.

2. Go through your old year book

 How about you tell your partner stories about your high school days? Those funny, nostalgic, eventful memories and experiences shared? It is so much fun if you ask.

3. Teach each other something new

This idea is limitless. It could be anything; a new language, how to cook food, skill, song; you name it. You can also suggest other ideas to your partner.

4. Pick a TV show and then watch episodes after episodes

Movies freak will love this! It mustn’t really be a series any interesting movie will do.

5. Talk about your goals and visions

The date shouldn’t just revolve around your being presently. Talk about your future plans, goals and visions and how you want the relationship to fare.

6. Go camping or hiking

Instead of going to a restaurant or a dinner, why not try other thrilling activities such as; hiking, camping and many exciting activities.

7. Make a new recipe together

If you are a foodie, you can teach your partner a new dish.

8. Take photos of each other

A phone with good camera may be a makeshift instead of renting or buying cameras. Find an environment with attractive background and create beautiful memories.

9. Make each other breakfast in bed

This is beautiful right? Prepare breakfast for your partner before he/she wakes up. Distance is a problem you say? Dispatch riders to the rescue! Yes, send it to him or her.

10.  A book club for two

Book lovers! This is for you. Pick an interesting book, read and share thoughts and lessons learnt.

11. Write love letters

Let your partner know how much you feel about them through your words. Write each other letters there and read it to each other. Awwwnn! this can be so emotional and heartwarming.

12. Draw each other

Why not test your artistic ability and have hearty laughs when you see how amazing or terrible your partner is at drawing? Or even blush when you see a mind-blowing portrait of you.

13. Play games

There are thousands of games you can play on a date to keep the fun going. You can play word games, love games, puzzles and so many others. This even reveals your partner’s interests.

14. Be a tourist in your city

Great option, instead of sitting in a place, why not take a tour around your city to see beautiful places.

15. Pray or meditate together

 Praying or meditating together can be so intimate. You really should try this.

So, which ideas are you trying out this weekend? Let us know!