John Ayeni

Over the years, I have seen people talk about their favorite drinks and how they enjoyed it so much that it makes them feel better and happier.

While on a visit to a nearby supermarket, I discovered that many exotic drinks, locally manufactured yoghurts, home-made drinks, standardized fizzy drinks and foreign drinks were on display and people were quick to choose the exotic drinks over the bestseller drink that has infiltrated the market effortlessly. It is even regarded as the number one healthy drink for human.   

What is this best seller drink I am talking about? Can you guess, oh, you are not the guessing type. It is alright.

I am talking about WATER, you see lol.

Yes! water. It is unarguably the bestseller drink that we have overlooked for our general well-being and survival as humans.

Researches have revealed that daily consumption of carbonated drinks are major contributors of obesity. Blood sugar level rise rapidly and the effects of caffeine and sugar will be evident within 40 minutes of consuming a carbonated drink.

After 60 minutes or so, the individual will experience what is known as a sugar crash, leading to increased fatigue and mood swings. Not only can the drink itself be bad for the body upon immediate consumption, its effects in the long run can lead to permanent health problems.

On the other hand, daily consumption of sufficient water will make you hydrated and improve your overall health.  Water is life because it makes up around 70 to 78 percent of our body mass. It is very important for all the organs in our body to function properly.

As we begin to age, the percentage of water in our body begins to reduce which sometimes causes dehydration.

Dehydration is when the body doesn’t have enough liquid as it should have. This condition leads to health issues such as fatigue, joint pains and some serious health problems which might lead to hospitalisation.

Doctors have it that chronic dehydration contributes to many modern-day illnesses, and lack of water causes the body to cry out in pain.

When we drink plenty of water, we save ourselves from sickness and diseases because water cleanses the system.

Drinking much water has huge advantage. Let’s look at some benefits of drinking enough water:

1. Water improves blood circulation which helps enhance the general well-being of the body.

2. It energies and boosts the body metabolism.

3. It offers skin rejuvenation, glow and elasticity.

4. It controls the body temperature.

5. Water is a cleanser and a healer which protects from all kinds of infections/diseases.

I am sure that not all of us find it easy to drink water, I am also guilty of not drinking enough water but I disciplined myself on it by setting a daily water drinking goal.

I also put pieces of different fruits in my water and leave it for a few minutes to infuse thereby giving it flavour and taste; this means water interesting to drink.

You can try this too.